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Scam/fraud by big companies in New Zealand.


Scam/fraud committed by big companies like sim card network providers, insurance companies and other companies without knowledge of a  New Zealander


We as citizen go to work, work hard and earn so we can pay the bills, rent, children fees but these big companies do not even care about that.


Ex. I was with Skinny on monthly plan, before renewal they used to send text message or email to top up account before monthly plan renewal but now just deducted money directly from my credit card?  Isn’t it legal?  The contract between me and skinny just one month, who give you permission to deducted for another month? They should not make such rules or policies for automatic deduction from account.


I had one year car breakdown service plan with aa, I sold my vehicle and next year they automatically renewed my plan without my knowledge.


My friend had 1 year car contract insurance, after that he sold his car but company insurance automatically renewed insurance without his knowledge. And then sent to debt collection.


So many big company committing this kind of crime without being punished by the government.

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